I decided to include this article on the Birthing Without Fear website because in my opinion a conscious birth starts at the point of conception or even before then (although deciding on a conscious birth at any stage during pregnancy is better late than never). I am endorsing the following audio programme which has already helped many women and couples to conceive naturally, as it successfully reduces stress levels and the limiting beliefs that prevent conception.
The Optimum Fertility and Mind Body Stress Reduction Audio Programme is a pioneering listening experience designed to be listened to once or twice daily around the phases of your reproductive cycle.
Each track in this audio programme starts by guiding you into a state of peaceful relaxation assisting your mind and body to become more receptive to the therapeutic processes that follow. This is followed by the powerful process of guided visualizations, affirmations, metaphor and subconscious suggestion techniques. Thoughts and emotions that may be present at this time are also addressed. The audio programme makes use of tranquil music, enhanced with audio technologies, specifically designed to facilitate optimal states of receptivity and relaxation.
More details:
Track 2 explains how to use this audio programme
Tracks 3 to 7 are designed to be listened to once or twice a day around the specific phase of your reproductive cycle
Track 8 is a general health, wellbeing and immune balancing session that can be listened to at anytime during your cycle and as often as you like
Using this recording is not a substitute for medical or mental health care; but will provide support and assist with a more positive attitude in what may be a very difficult, frustrating and stressful journey while trying to conceive a child. This recording aims to bring about positive changes in your body by optimising your fertility and reducing stress and anxiety levels through the mind body connection as you access the vast reservoir of resources inside you. The multitude of benefits that accompanies the experience of listening to this recording really does need to be heard to be believed.
Scientific backing:
Dr Marilyn Glenville, PHD, Author of ‘Getting Pregnant Faster and Natural Solutions to Infertility’, explains in her book that there is enough evidence to suggest that Hypnotherapy has an effect on fertility as it utilises the power of the mind to work for you rather than against you, is helpful in reducing stress levels and addresses emotional blockages at the sub-conscious level. She further adds that Hypnotherapy helps deal with any concerns or doubts that a woman may have about her future role as a mother.
Hypnotherapy can also positively influence the immune system. Dr Jeffrey Braverman, MD FACOG, Director or Reproductive Immunology at Wykoff Heights Medical Centre and Braverman Reproductive Technology, New York, emphasises that relaxation and reduction of stress helps improve immune system compliance.
According to Dr Alan Beer, MD, in his book “Is Your Body Baby Friendly”, Mind Body Therapy (ie, Hypnotherapy) can help reduce the immune system burden and assist in the release of negative emotions.
In 2006, in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, woman’s fertlity expert, Dr Berga reported that women who did not ovulate had excessive levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the brain fluid. A cascade of events, beginning with stress, leads to reduced levels of two hormones crucial for ovulation.
Recent studies conducted at Harvard Medical School on 184 women going through relaxation training for infertility: 55% had a viable pregnancy within one year, compared to only 20% of the control group achieving a viable pregnancy.
I see the Optimal Fertility & Stress Reduction Mind Body Audio Programme as being helpful in that its focus is on promoting relaxation and reduction of stress which in turn will improve immune system compliance. I think that the mind body connection plays an important role in self healing.”
– Dr Jeffrey Braverman M.D. FACOG- Director of Reproductive Immunology, Wykoff Medical Center, New YorkWhen listening to the Optimum Fertility Audio Program 1 for the first time, I had tears in my eyes when reflecting on the fears and worries that women in similar situations to me are carrying within them. I was overwhelmed and deeply touched. When listening to Jevon´s voice, I have the feeling that he is right there to support me. This alone is very moving! I have been listening to the audio program as recommended, and these sessions have been the most beautiful minutes of my day! Within a few minutes of listening, I’m able to relax and can simply focus on myself and my body, which during my hectic daily schedule is usually not possible. I always feel great while listening, sensing an inner strength and calm. Most of all, I’m now able to completely trust that my body knows what´s best for me. Whatever will be, I feel that everything is in perfect balance and exactly as it is meant to be. This is an indescribably beautiful feeling, and at the same time very relieving because it allows me to simply let go.” – S. Wüst, Germany
After 4 early miscarriages and 18 IVF’s I finally have a baby girl. So I’m no stranger to infertility. On our last attempt at IVF we tried everything including a very new medication in the treatment of infertility as well as Hypnotherapy. I found Hypnotherapy really helped me to relax and at the same time focus on my body and the process of IVF. I think that the Optimum Fertility & Stress Reduction Mind Body audio-programme will really help women reduce their stress levels as it uses both Hypnotherapy and Visualisation focused around the stages of a women’s reproductive cycle and can be used daily to provide support.” – H. Joseph, South Africa
Listen to a sound sample of this audio programme on this page.
A heartfelt thank you from Birthing Without Fear to the creators of this programme.